The Holidays, and being alone during them:

Chaz Jacobs
2 min readDec 19, 2021

A few things I try to do myself during the holidays being alone.

Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

I have been alone now for many years on the holidays
and it never gets easier. I was always told and thought
that as the years went by it would eventually become a
little easier to cope with the loneliness during the entire
holiday season.

I am still learning to make the best of the holidays since
I am alone, but it is a lot of trial and error with finding
activities to keep me distracted and make the time pass
by for the last few months of each year. I am slowly
learning that if I keep busy and try to incorporate
little pieces of past memories from the holidays I can
make it a little less lonely. Music, movies, tv shows,
baking cookies, putting a Christmas tree up, and things of
that nature is a small way to not only keep busy but do what I remember doing with family when I was younger during the holidays.

I often look at old photos and see what makes me smile
and try to incorporate some of them into a day to not only
pass time, but to try to make myself smile since I am
doing something that I used to do that made me happy. I cannot
lie, the holidays were my favorite time when I was younger
but now they are almost like just another normal day to
me, and I don't want it to be that way, so trying small things like I
have mentioned helps enough to cope but it still doesn't get rid of being lonely and not having a family or friends to be with and play games and exchange gifts for Christmas. To be honest its the worst feeling in the world, to feel
not only alone but like you are not wanted or important enough to be with people on the holidays and that is the hardest thing I am trying to overcome and deal with but I truly do not think it will ever happen so I just make the best and don't give up on the memories of the holidays
from my past to get by.

If you are like me and your family has all passed away
and you are alone for the holidays I hope you are able
to find things that help you make it past these times
which are supposed to be happy but just are not for the
most part.

I want to wish you all a Happy Holiday Season!



Chaz Jacobs

Lifestyle, Beginning Author and Beginning Entrepreneur.